Start Dairy Farming Business in Village and Earn 1 Lakh Rupees Per Month

Start Dairy Farming Business in Village

Start Dairy Farming Business in Village and Earn 1 Lakh Rupees Every Month | How to Start Dairy Farming Business in Village | What is Dairy Farming Business: Before starting a dairy business, you should know about its complete information, then let us tell you that the dairy business starts with animal husbandry. By this commercial activity, we mean the activity of producing milk. And you all know that the process of producing milk can be done by cow rear, buffalo rear or goat rear. Therefore, the process of producing milk by rearing domesticated animals is called dairy farming.

Start Dairy Farming Business in Village
Start Dairy Farming Business in Village

Dairy Farming Business Benefits

  1. By selling the milk produced from this, you will be able to make a good income.
  2. If you are short of resources to raise 8-10 animals. So you can also make this business a means of your assistant Kamai by keeping 1-2 animals.
  3. Animal manure can be used to fertilize the soil in the fields. The ground will become more fertile and more productive thanks to this manure.
  4. Cow dung can produce Gobar Gas, which can be used as fuel.
  5. Animal waste can be recycled to become field-grown feed for livestock.
  6. Farming is a seasonal process. Whereas you can do Dairy Farming throughout the year.
  7. The biggest advantage of this business is that it is a business related to farmers. That’s why most of the small and big farmers benefit from it.
  8. You can also make exotic animals of very good breed in the Indian climate a part of your dairy farming.
  9. Because this business is eco-friendly. Hence it does not pollute the environment.
  10. It can come out as a very good opportunity for unemployed educated youth. Because a systematic business plan ensures profit.

Dairy Farming Business Concept in India

In the last few years, people who are doing dairy business in India, according to statistics, their income has increased by 24% after 2017 which was 19% in 2014, which has increased by 5% in 3 years, 5% means many crores. Rupees and it is estimated from this that there is a lot of demand for Dairy Farm Business in India.

Before starting this business we should know that what is the status of this business in our country in India as we all know how important milk is in our life because it is very useful for human health and India is also at number one in the production of milk, milk is also supplied from India to abroad, the highest 19% milk is produced in the whole world, the consumption of milk is very high in India as well as abroad. With which a business can also be started.

Dairy Farming Tips and Helpful Ideas

Starting dairy farming in India is easy as well as complicated in a way. Therefore, before doing this business, you will have to start this business by understanding the information related to the breed of animals, the arrangements for the living of the animals, the arrangements for the food, care and management, etc. That is why we have shared all the tips and helpful information related to it below:

How to Select Right Breeds of Cattles

since there are numerous domestic and foreign breeds of cows and buffalo on the market. As a result, in order to succeed in this business, you must conduct market research on animal breeds and select the one that produces the most. Buffalo milk is more settled than cow’s milk. As a result, cow’s milk may cost a little more than buffalo’s milk. You can raise the cow and the buffalo together if you’d like.


Proper Housing Arrangement For Keeping Animals

By housing, we mean thatch made for animals. High productivity requires a well-organized thatch. In a well-run farm, an animal needs roughly 85 square feet of open space and 50 square feet of room under thatch. When providing accommodation for your animals, you must ensure that the thatch is equipped with all the amenities that an animal requires. similar to how clean air moves everywhere, etc.

Healthy Food and Grass Arrangement for Cattles

Remember that providing animals with wholesome, high-quality food boosts their ability to produce milk. As a result, you should always aim to provide your animals with high-quality, nutrient-rich food in an appropriate amount. Green food entails that while lush grass promotes animals to produce more milk, it also lowers the price of purchasing and consuming live animals.

Cattle Grass Arrangement in Dairy Farming Business
Cattle Grass Arrangement in Dairy Farming Business

So make an effort to feed your animals more and more green food. You may easily grow green food for your animals if you have any nearby vacant area. One estimate states that a milking cow needs to drink roughly 6-7 liters of water before producing 1 liter of milk. Animals must therefore always be given clean water in the right quantities.

Taking Good Care of Cattles

The secret to the success of the dairy farming industry is taking proper care of the livestock, or animals. You must make an effort to protect your livestock from all animal diseases. Keep them regularly immunized to keep them disease-free. Additionally, keep them eating well-balanced meals to maintain their health and productivity.

From where You can Buy Cattles for Dairy Farming Business

The Indian government has also established an online platform at where you may purchase cows and buffaloes for dairy farms in order to speed up this industry. Additionally, if you are fully informed about purchasing cows and buffaloes, you can do so after visiting the mandis where the animals are kept in order to save them.

Somer Other Tips to Start Dairy Farming Business in India

  • Before Starting this business, make an effort to speak with those connected to it. And, if you can, visit any industrial farms to get insider information on the dairy farming industry from them.
  • when you go to an industrial farm. so carefully consider that farm.
  • Consult your neighborhood vet to determine the commercial prospects available to you.
  • Know in advance whether and how much animal feed is available for purchase. Keep a strategy in place so that animal food will be available even in bad weather.
  • The land on which you will cultivate the green foods for your dairy farm. Check the dirt, please.
  • If at all possible, enroll in dairy farming training at Krishi Vigyan Kendra. because you will learn the subtleties of this business during this session. Information will be provided on subjects like cutting costs, boosting productivity, and arranging for nutrient-dense meals while spending less.

Challenges in Dairy Farming Business

The main challenge for this firm is that educated young people in India never pay attention to it. A young man won’t be able to give this endeavor his complete concentration, even if he compulsively takes this action. This does not provide fruitful outcomes. And the way that society views this business—that it is only appropriate for less educated, uneducated people—is identical. Therefore, it may be that when an educated young person starts a dairy farming business, he may not get to hear the positive things of the society. But you can change the attitude of the society towards this business by doing your work. We have shared some difficulties related to this business below:

  • High infrastructure and the cost of feeding the animals are the constraints of this business.
  • Most of the farmers who are doing this business do not include the green food produced by them in the cost. This type of behavior shows that they are not serious about the income and expenses from their dairy farming.
  • Since the process of reproduction is a biological phenomenon. But people associated with this business in India believe that most of the animals do not get pregnant according to the time.
  • There is a huge difference between the wholesale price and retail price of milk in India. Due to which the people associated with this business do not get more profit.

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