Rajasthan Tarbandi Yojana 2022 Features, Objective, Benefits

Rajasthan Tarbandi Yojana 2022

Rajasthan Tarbandi Yojana 2022 – Rajasthan Tarbandi Yojana, the Tarbandi scheme has been started by the Government of Rajasthan to provide financial assistance to the farmers. Under this scheme the state government provides financial assistance to the farmers who want to fence their fields. However, under this scheme, the government will provide you only 50 percent of the total cost of fencing your farms as a grant, the rest 50% of the cost will be borne by the farmers themselves.

The main objective of starting this scheme is to benefit small and marginal farmers. Under the scheme, a maximum subsidy of 400 meters will be given to the beneficiaries, for which the government has set a target of giving a total of Rs 8 crore to the farmers in the budget. This scheme has been started under Rajasthan Crop Protection Mission. Under Rajasthan Tarbandi Yojana, 35 thousand farmers will be provided grant money for fencing the fields.

Rajasthan Tarbandi Yojana 2022
Rajasthan Tarbandi Yojana 2022

Objective of Rajasthan Tarbandi Scheme

  • Stray animals and animals residing around the fields cause damage to the crops of the farmers. Due to which a large part of the farmers’ crop gets spoiled. Keeping this in mind, this scheme has been started.
  • Most of the farmers put wire fencing around their fields to prevent this loss. So that no stray animal can enter the field.
  • With the financial assistance from this scheme, farmers can protect their crops and fields by making barbed wire fences.
  • In view of this problem of the farmers, the state government has started the Rajasthan Tarbandi Yojana 2022, under which the farmers will get 50% of the cost from the government.
  • Due to the loss of crops, the interest of the farmers in growing the crop was decreasing. With the implementation of this scheme, their interest will again be in the cultivation of the crop and they will not have to suffer any loss.

Benefits of Rajasthan Tarbandi Yojana 2022

  • Those farmers who are not able to get fencing done in their fields or are financially weak, they will be given benefits from this scheme.
  • Tarbandi scheme will especially benefit small and marginal farmers because under this the government will give 50% grant/subsidy to these farmers for tarbandi.
  • Under this scheme, financial assistance up to a maximum of ₹ 40 thousand will be provided by the government.
  • Small and marginal farmers will get good profit in crop production from Rajasthan Tarbandi Yojana 2022.
  • Under Rajasthan Tarbandi Yojana, 50% subsidy of the cost will be given for fencing up to 400 meters.
  • By getting the benefit of Rajasthan Tarbandi Yojana, the farmer can grow his crop without fearing the loss caused by any stray animal/animal.
  • To keep the farmer’s crop safe, under the Rajasthan Tarbandi Yojana, the government will provide 50 percent of the cost or maximum amount of 40 thousand rupees to the farmer.

Rajasthan Tarbandi Scheme Eligibility

  • To take advantage of this scheme, the farmer must be a permanent resident of Rajasthan.
  • For applying under the Rajasthan Tarbandi Yojana, the farmer must have 0.5 hectare of cultivable land.
  • It is mandatory for the applicant farmer to have his own bank account (Bank AC) because the subsidy money will be deposited directly into the farmer’s account by the government.
  • If the farmer is providing any other scheme like Kisan Credit Card or any other type of amount on his land then you cannot apply in this scheme.
  • The same farmer is eligible for the benefit of grant in Tarbandi Yojana registration, through which Aadhaar card number is also displayed during registration.
  • It is mandatory to link the bank account of the applicant farmer with the Aadhar card.

Rajasthan Tarabandi Project Document

  • applicant’s aadhar card
  • identity card
  • Address proof
  • Jamabandi of land
  • Ration card
  • mobile number
  • passport size photo
  • bank account
  • farm map
  • Voter ID Card
  • income certificate

Rajasthan Tarbandi Yojana 2022 Helpline Number

No farmer of Rajasthan state should face any kind of problem in taking benefit of this scheme or farmer should not bother to ask for any information related to this scheme, hence its helpline number from Rajasthan government. has been released. Through which you can get information sitting at home, for this you will not need to go to the government office. You can contact on this number

Contact Number : 01412927047 : 9414287733 : 18001801551

E-Mail : adldir_extension@rediffmail.com

Rajasthan Tarbandi Yojana 2022 Online Application-

Step 1 – To apply online for Rajasthan Tarbandi Yojana, you have to visit the official website of Rajasthan Tarbandi Yojana 2022 http://www.agriculture.rajasthan.gov.in. click here

Step 2 – As soon as you open this website, the main page will open in front of you. Here you will see the application form of Rajasthan Tarbandi Yojana.

Step 3 – In this form you have to fill all the necessary information asked. Along with filling the form, all the required documents have to be attached with the form.

Step 4 – After that fill the captcha code given in the form.

Step 5 – After filling the captcha code you have to press the submit button and in this way you will be able to apply for the scheme successfully

Content Credit: Indgovtjobs

FAQs Rajasthan Tarbandi Yojana

Q.1: What is Tarbandi Scheme in Rajasthan?

Ans: With the help of this new scheme, farmers can save their fields by making fences or putting wires in their fields. Under the Tarbandi scheme, 50% of the cost of wiring will be borne by the government. The remaining 50% will be contributed by the farmer. In this, a maximum of Rs 40,000 will be spent by the government.

Q.2: How to apply in Rajasthan Tarbandi Yojana?

Answer: You have to download the Tarbandi Yojana Application Form PDF. Now you have to fill the information asked in the form like: Name of the applicant, Aadhar number, Father’s name, Mobile number etc. After this you have to attach the documents asked in the form. After filling all the information you have to submit the form to the nearest Agriculture Department.

Q.3: When was the Rajasthan Tarbandi Scheme launched?

Ans: This scheme has been launched to provide subsidy to the farmers for wirebandi. To protect the crops of farmers from stray animals, the state government has started Tarbandi Scheme 2022. The aim of the government is that if farmers’ fields are planted, then there will be no loss of fields. Due to which the crop yield will be good.

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