Government Documents That Can Be Downloaded using WhatsApp : Now, we can get Get PAN Card, Aadhar Card Driving Licence on WhatsApp #MyGovHelpdesk @+919013151515 With the aim to make government services more accessible, inclusive and transparent, the government has allowed citizens to utilise the MyGov Helpdesk on WhatsApp to use the Digilocker documents
PAN card: Government Documents That Can Be Downloaded using WhatsAppFor downloading your PAN card, you first need to save the number ‘9013151515’ with the name of MyGov. Now, open your WhatsApp chat, search MyGov and then open the chat. Type a Hi or Namaste and shoot the message. You will get the welcome message on your way; submit the Digilocker account details on the platform. After that, you have to enter the OTS for the Aadhar card number verification. You will now get the menu to download your document from where you can get the PAN card.
Driving license: Government Documents That Can Be Downloaded using WhatsApp The driving license can also be downloaded directly on your smartphone via MyGov. First, drop a ‘Hi’ on the MyGov chat window, and then you will get to welcome message. After getting the welcome message, you can tap on the main menu option, and then you’ll be able to download your driving license. This feature can also help users who are not in the habit of carrying hard copies of their driving license.
Vehicle registration certificate (RC): Government Documents That Can Be Downloaded using WhatsApp Talking about the RC, or vehicle registration certificate, it is one of the most important documents that is usually asked for while a police check. You can directly download the document from WhatsApp by following the procedure mentioned for downloading of the driving license.
Documents To Be Available Via MyGov Helpdesk | Government Documents That Can Be Downloaded using WhatsApp
Citizens can now access @digilocker_ind services on the @mygovindia Helpdesk on @WhatsApp
WhatsApp users can use chatbot by simply sending ‘Namaste or Hi or Digilocker’ to WhatsApp number +91 9013151515
Whatsapp Digilocker: Digilocker documents such as the PAN card, driving licence, vehicle registration certificate can now be easily accessed via MyGov Helpdesk on WhatsApp.
Citizens will now be able to create and authenticate their own Digilocker account on WhatsApp and download documents such as PAN card; driving licence; CBSE Class X passing certificate; vehicle registration certificate (RC); insurance policy – two wheeler; Class X and Class XII marksheets; and insurance policy document (life and non-life available on Digilocker).
DigiLocker is a digital platform for issuing and verifying papers and certificates, removing the need for physical documents.
It intends to give citizens ‘Digital Empowerment’ by giving them access to authentic digital documents in their digital document wallet.
The new service will allow residents to easily and conveniently access the following things, according to a PIB press release:
1. PAN card
2. Driving License
3. CBSE Class X Passing Certificate
4. Vehicle Registration Certificate (RC)
5. Insurance Policy – Two Wheeler
6. Class X Marksheet
7. Class XII Marksheet
8. Insurance Policy Document ( Life and Non life available on digilocker)
Individuals can use the chatbot by sending the message ‘Namaste or Hi or Digilocker’ to the WhatsApp number +91 9013151515.
Government Documents That Can Be Downloaded using WhatsApp The WhatsApp chatbot interface will allow users to download documents saved on a DIgilocker. According to the PIB release, “Digilocker will be an important citizen service offered by MyGov on WhatsApp to help promote digital inclusion and efficient governance”
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How To Download Get PAN Card, Aadhar Card Driving Licence on WhatsApp
To get these details, users will just need to send ‘Namaste’ or ‘Hi’ or ‘Digilocker’ to the WhatsApp number +91 9013151515.
Step 1: Save the number +919013151515 in your contact or Click here to without Save Number (for Driving Licence & Pan card)
Step 2: Open WhatsApp
Step 3: Send Namaste or Hi to WhatsApp number +91 9013151515
Step 4: The Digilocker Helpdesk will send the list of services it offers
Step 5: Enter the number of the service you wish to avail
Government Documents That Can Be Downloaded using WhatsApp Once the process is followed, the Digilocker Helpdesk will share the document on WhatsApp. However, the services can be availed by those who have their documents saved on Digilocker app, which is available on both Google Play store as well as Apple App store.